Friday, May 08, 2009

If you go down to the woods today

Yesterday I put up a fresh casting call

It read something like this

"I'm looking to shoot a series that's raw and animalistic and coiled and athletic and has a real sense of 'raised by wolves' about it.

Think mud, think snarling, think coiled, primed, pumped and ready to lash out and you're pretty close to where I'm heading with this.

Looking for people who are willing to push through the 'am I going too far here?' voice at the back of their heads and just allow that rawness beneath the veneer to be caught on camera.

It should be fun, it might be dirty (literally, I'm thinking forest and mud) but I think that we can get some really cool shots out of it...

What do you think? Worth an hour of your weekend?"

I rewrote it later to be a little less stilted but the idea stuck and the models came flooding in... I shoot the first today and another 12 over the next week. It should be fun. I've a group shoot in Rosemont on the 14th too, as well as a possible dads and daughters Prom thing tomorrow... all very cool. When Ann Arbor gives you Durian make smoothies, I say