Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama's Speech last night

Originally uploaded by january20th2009
Was good....

Sure it was a tad "Bob the Builder" (Can we fix it? Yes we can)

But it was gracious and eloquent, it attempted to reach out, it promised humility and it talked (as ever) about the audacity of hope and America's ability to overcome the obstacles that threaten to derail the idea of the country. He talked about his election not being the change we seek - but permission to pursue that promise.

He's good. But having heard the boos at his name when McCain tried to put a band-aid on the wounds caused by his savage attacks over the last six months means that he has his work cut out.

I for one sat tense as he spoke -- waiting for the sound of the gun that for some reason I was almost certain would be aimed in his direction. Was I alone?

My fave bit of the speech can be found here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good speech as politicians go. I'm tired of people forever talking about inspirational speeches by Clinton or Blair... and I think - did they never hear Churchill or Dr. King speak? Someone who really knew their onions. But Obama definately has it. If he just had a MLK's soul-full voice he'd be lethal.

Although oddly the two people it most reminded me in terms of its structuring and approach... were Adolf Hitler and Enoch Powell. If you have a gander at Hitler's pre-war speeches about uniting the german people then add in Enoch's examples of little ladies in Wolverhampton... bingo. How ironic.

Fuel for Brian Sewell's argument that rhetoric is the most dangerous poison man has yet conceived...