Friday, November 07, 2008

All change

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
you see what I did there? How about that for channelling the zeitgeist? And how about THAT for spelling?

So all of the US auto makers announced huge losses today. Chrysler (who also own Jeep and Dodge) are shit out of time and it looks bad for them as GM (is there a worse name for a 21st century company than 'General Motors'?) pulled out of merger / acquisition talks and announced that it's fast running out of money - 2009 being the date that they see it going bang.

Ford looked better, but not much. And of course all of the gloom around these companies makes selling a car even harder - would you buy a GM if you thought that they'd be going out of business in the next year?

I wonder whether the outgoing President is reflecting on any of this.

If they'd told him 8 years ago that the result of his presidency was going to be 1.2m jobs lost in 2008, a $10trillion dollar deficit, two wars, a collapsed banking system, the nationalization of the money markets, the death of the US auto industry, the sanctioning of torture, wiretapping of citizens, public flouting of the Geneva convention, the worst 'terror attack' ever committed on US soil (unless you're a native American of course) and politically the loss of the Senate, House and WhteHouse -- would he have stood?

Maybe it's not too late to ask him.

Mr President?

1 comment:

curns said...

To be fair, at one time he got the highest approval rating of any American president, ever.

Of course he also got the lowest ...