Friday, October 31, 2008

Feeling casual today

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So after a couple of days where I lost my sense of 'all is well with the world, offer things up to the universe and see where they settle' I'm back in a zen zone.

Work will happen with of without me. With me it will happen smoother and be a little better. Without me the ride may be more jarring and the end less shiny - but I've realized that what I am here is lubricant. And sure lube is important (ask any mechanic, or hooker) but ultimately you can run any planner through the grinder and grease the process with the resulting juices.

So that's my role here. To be juicier than the average planner... and last longer before I'm totally dry --- at which point they'll give me an office to make sure that the dust doesn't contaminate the fresh new fodder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mate - you are looking HOT!

cheers, quokka