Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Out of sorts

If I've learned anything over the past few years it's that you don't have to fight every battle, let alone win it. The trick is to let some stuff wash over you but not so often that it forms a groove where your backbone used to be.

So instead of turning into a weedy hulk at the first minor niggles today I went for lunch, with the smartest, snarkiest people I could find and enjoyed a couple of hours of creative destruction... unpicking everything from the hiring policies of major corporations to the mania of self proclaimed experts. A fine old time indeed.

Tomorrow I have more on than I think is really neccessary but that's good. Three final presentations have the advantage of finality. And closure, as I'm learning, is cathartic.

No news from the doc' today which is either good news or a sign that he doesn't read patient charts. Let's go for the first one.


Anonymous said...

Nice river jump stud.

Anonymous said...


did you get that on a triple word score?

jesus! the word verification is znmcdend, that sounds positively frightening...

Steve said...

lol... thanks for the bravery call ANONYMOUS poster... ;-)