Sunday, September 23, 2007

nothing but blue skies

So here we are at the end of September and as I look out of my window all I see are blue skies. The weather reprters are running out of ways to play off of the 'smiley sun in a pair of shades' graphic and in the parks the tanning has taken on a much less determind attitude - people being happy to lounge in the sun, assured that it's going to last rather than baking in the heat, glistening with quick tan products as they try to catch the last rays.

We'd have loved to have bought an apartment on the park - but it wasn't to be. Cancer makes a mockery of mortgage applications. Builders work slowly and New York seems to be unable to finish a building at any point (or start one in the case of the world trade center site)

Mind if we had bought in the park I'd probably have been arrested. The combination of people making micro-fashion fauz pas beneath my window and a really good zoom on my camera could well have turned me from casual observer of 'she went out in that?' to documenter of 'floozy-wear' in weeks. And without express permission that might be dangerous.

On that note I shall head back to bed (the cats got me up stupidly early this morning - do they not understand the needs of a man who was drinking Shiso Mojitos the night before?

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