Friday, July 20, 2007

Jesus I feel shitty

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
There's something in the NYC air that makes me cough. Granted it miught be the dust from the Grand Central station gas explosion (one person dead - of a heart attack), it might be the cats or it might be the pollen. But I spend the day hacking and coughing and spluttering and generally feeling crappy.

Add to that a headache that I just can't shake and the return of the leaden legs and you have a recipe for misery.

To cheer myself up I went for a Reiki session. The website looked glam - the actuality was a Japanese girl's back bedropom, an overweight cat and a the feeling that something dodgy was about to happen (it didn't)

Upon leaving though I did find a new bar and a new cafe on Hope Street so all was not wasted.

Next up - Quorn, french fried and Snakes on a Plane... a movie that everyone thought that they were going to watch but seemed to skip at the cinema.

Should have skipped Hairspray... much prefered the original. This one was loud, frenetic, heavy handed and had a bizarre Travolta turn that threw it off kilter. None of the sight gags worked (at least where I was) and some of the best dialogue was thrown away in a marsh of mumbles.

Still just a few days ago I was on the beach taking shots like this... and in a few days time I'll be in downtown Tokyo; the only CITY that Jude and I would consider post New York (well maybe Mexico City)

So bit of a crap day all around... but at least I know that the cough in NYC related (it disappeared in Namibia) rather than tumopr related

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