Wednesday, July 18, 2007

As I'm stuck...

Originally uploaded by photo707
... just went down to the Delta desk and found myself shit out of luck. Turns out that the ticket agent was a moron, I was a bigger moron for taking her at her word and now I'm stuck here until 2pm when I could (for $150) have been 90% of the way to New York by then. Such is (my) life.

Anyway I've bought a book (endorsed by Richard and Judy no less), paid for an hour of internet ($12!) and calmed myself. I was sunniness personified at the desk - even when they told me that the flight was less than half full but still I couldn't get on it.

Namibia was much fun - it was a shame that I had to leave before the guys decided to go kayaking, wreck diving and the like. But I have to head for Tokyo on Sunday so things are tight ---> and I do want to see the dog, the cats, my bed and a host of things on TiVo before leaving.

What did we do in namibia I hear you cry. Well we visited Africat - very cool as they have lions, leopards, cheetahs and wild dogs and seem to be genuinely lovely, hard working, concerned people. We went to CCF where I tried not to get in the way, proof read a lot of things, went spoor tracking, dropped my camera from he roof of a moving bus and had an idea or two.

What else? Sand dunes, moonscapes, too many dinners, scorching weather and nick-nack shopping in Swapkomund... a whole bunch of us (Dutch, Rhodesian, South African, American and British) in tiny triangular houses by the sea and generally a good time punctuated by frustration at the speed of the internet and an inability to talk to people at work.. well e-talk anyway.

Hoping that after Tokyo I get a chance to breathe some... but somehow I doubt it. We shall see.

August is house hunting for Jude in Michigan too. Scary.

Okay this is becomeing fragmented, tired here.

Even mopre later... (still have 5 hrs and 45 mins here to kill and gatwick is about as interesting as a mime giving a lecture on the one way system in Norwich)

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