Saturday, November 04, 2006

stuck in Seattle

Originally uploaded by LornaLou.
Having just made her connection on the way the way to Victoria Jude managed to miss her return connection by 3 minutes - meaning a 7 hr wait at the airport in Seattle and a red-eye flight.

So coped with massage, winebras, paella and pizza (which she carried onto the plane hoping to find hungry passengers to feed) and insists that the airport in Seattle is the best in the country - an opinion fuelled partly by the wine and partly by a well stocked Barnes and Nobel replete with Fantasy section.

Of course she didn't sleep on the flight and has consequently been a space cadet all day - but it's cute.

Next week sees me in London and Jude in Troy (Velcro is off to Eva's Play Pups, the cats to a neighbor)... the week after Jude in Calgary and me in New York and we're hoping to soon after be back in London exchanging work permits and making my dream of a move a reality.

Ultimately what I want to do is talk for a living. I love to present. I love models and theories pulled down into simple actions. I love the scale of theory and the possibility of execution. There's something about taking a concept as big as fractured narrative and applying it to a disposable razor that just floats my boat. I don't know why.

Anyway the move won't turn me into a professional talker immediately - but that's the aim. To be a brain and a brand on the conference circuit (a giant amongst pygmies).

To do it I'll most probably have to write a book that I can shamelessly promote - but let's face it the book is well overdue anyway.


Anonymous said...

Steve, stop dreaming -- write the book. I'm dying to read it.

Steve said...

it's already in progress (as of this morning - giving it two hours a day)... helping out on two other books recently whetted the appetite. As did finishing reading 'Perfect Pitch' - which I thoroughly enjoyed (a first for a marketing book)