Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's a hard life

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
Having been in London for a day or two, writing things on bits of paper with a scented marker I came home (on the last plane to allow toothpaste as carry on) and started visiting bars to talk to barmen about the beers that they sell.

This afternoon will be spent wandering from door to door, having a few drinks, asking a few questions and getting paid to do it. Well not quite - I won''t be getting paid; I'm officially working the weekend, for which there is no extra money. Damn.

Miami Vice last night happened to be the most laughable movie I've seen in quite some time. Guffaws met ever one of Coilin Farrell's tortured looks of consternation and every loving camera sweep of Jamie Foxx's butt. The 'hot chick' spoke english only phonetically and the whole thing looked grey and speckled enough to ensure that 1000s unfortunate enough to rent this on DVD will be getting up to check the disk and their connection leads.

Jude in Atlanta this week - conferencing - so I'm getting used to being home alone. She's gonna be in Sweden Sept 6th to 18th - catching up with friends and working on her thesis. Wanted shorter but I had airmiles to use up and those were the available dates.

Need to feed the dog, walk the dog, talk to some barmen and then head out to a rooftop party (the sun is shining, the sky is brilliant blue, there's NO humidity and temps are in the upper 20s)

Life has been worse


Anonymous said...

shit. missed a few posts (been busy) to find you've been and gone. well, glad you avoided the airport mess.

:) irene (london)

Anonymous said...

shit. missed a few posts (been busy) to find you've been and gone. well, glad you avoided the airport mess.

:) irene (london)

quokkaboy said...

Glad that you are no longer embroiled in Walmart - beer sounds much more fun.

BTW - you are looking fab; Love the tan and the hair.