Monday, January 23, 2006

A tale of three coughs

Chemo +3 today and I'm up early and ready to head in and get my white blood cell boosting shot of 'as seen on TV' Neurestra (?)

Last three days have been the tale of three coughs. Saturday my tight cough of 4 months became a deep, chesty. booming thing that had me coughing up old wounds, bits of body and (for an hour over brunch) rather a lot of blood.

Day two was less bellowing - but no return to the love lorn seal bark of yore. Lots of nasty thick phlegm yesterday.

And today, much better. What a restaurant might describe as a 'stunningly light cappucino foam' - certainly the lighest cough (and the lightest 'product' of that cough) in months and months.

Of course by way of recompense (the universe demands payment after all) I woke up singing the Boyzone version of the Cat Stevens song 'Father and Son' - at 7am!

Not the most pleasant of posts I admit - but feeling sparkly good here today, let's see how long I can keep this going

1 comment:

quokkaboy said...

God bless you for even knowing that Boyzone covered that song. Your last cough sounds almost tasty - like a dessert at Sean's Panorama in Bondi.