Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ouch, really

Quick run the hospital yesterday turned into a four hour visit... lots of aimless waiting punctuated by fresh fresh faces and big needles.

The fresh faces were Maureen - a lovely looking lady who will be my nurse throughout all of this and Trish, an efficient looking woman who will monitor my progress throughout.

The big needle - well that came when they took the bone marrow sample. Procedure? Gown on... position prone... ass there for all to see... much pushing of hip bone and spine.... 6 'dentist like' injections of anaesthesia each preceeded by the phrase 'a pinch and a little burn'... a warning that anaesthetic can't permeate bone and to expect 'discomfort not pain'... some modest bonely scratching... pressure... discomfort.... 'deep breath'... cold sweat... agony.... muttered swearing... another breath (less deep)... more sweat... done... pressure bandage... 20 mins of pressure on it and home.... worse for young men than their older or differently chromosomed bretheren by all accounts.


Still I advance further up the 'pain threshold' chart - meaning that I can look forward to more unmedicated agonies in the near future. Hurrah.

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