Tuesday, August 04, 2009

yes, but are you happy?

Right now I'm loving Montreal. Only the lurking brutality of winter is clouding my view of what otherwise seems to me a perfect city. For example yesterday I got up and did a couple of hours of work before breakfast. This paid me as much as I'd have made for a day's work in previous lives.

Safe in the knowledge that I had earned a crust I toasted some bread bought from the market and then headed to the gym, where I broke a sweat and shed some pounds. From there it's a 25 mile drive down to the beach, where I shed all of my clothes in the company of around 300 likeminded people and get about reading the first installment of Michael Palin's diaries (see pic above, if only my camera phone hadn't lost its zoom function when I accidentally threw it to the ground).

Five hours later I drove home, in traffic that was incredibly light, made myself a pizza with more fresh local ingredients and wandered down to the subway station to meet a model who I was due to shoot. He was charming and good fun and very willing to work with some of the ideas that I had and I think that we got some good stuff out of the day

And the whole day the sun shone, the dog was looked after (for C$14!) and people were sweet and charming to me.

What's not to love? Now about that winter...