Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things what is happened today

Our new sofa arrived today, ahead of schedule but not before time and so the day has been a whirl of cushion making (Jude), feet attaching (Jude) and giant box disposing (Steve)...

Yes I know that we said that the last sofa would live forever - but in truth it was a cat hair trap, we made a terrible mistake not getting it in leather and the price of reupholstery showed us why reupholsterers (a real word that spell check won't allow) dress exclusively in Ermine and endangered species.

Gym is back on in earnest. Final doctor's check is cleared, Canada company numbers are pending and a little surprise that I planned for Judith is 95% ready... one last push and I have it.

Plus I talked to some lovely people in Toronto today - and they seemed very keen to work together. Hurrah, cause I likes

Mind... the new sofa reeks....