Monday, July 21, 2008

Much happening

So the posts recently have been thinner than a Bullemic's tooth enamel (my fave phrase at the moment) - partly because I've been stupidly busy. Partly because I've been knackered from being so stupidly busy. Which isn't a bad thing.

The gym continues - and the weight keeps rising; which has to be a good thing.

The mosquitos keep biting and the lumps keep getting bigger and uglier (which can't be a good thing, can it?)

The dog keeps getting walked longer and seems to be coping (yesterday's doggy companion got stung by a bee, bitten by bugs, developed diahorrea and seemed quite burned, Velcro just smelled a little worse)

People are still filling our days and spare rooms - we have Zenu for another week, then Bonnie and Lorraine and then my parents.

Work continues to focus on the launch of new cars, the putting together of a plan for new product for a toy company and the task of persuading more people to eat more cheese (or similar numbers of people to eat a lot more cheese)

So nothing major but the minute hands are moving fast at the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice one... wearing thinner than Peason's 2nd best pair of trousers was always my favourite... though prob only hugh and drew would know what i was on about...