Friday, December 28, 2007


Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So yesterday we picked up a friend of Jude and her bf from the airport, finished off the leftovers, caught up on work, watched The Sixth Sense for the first time since Singapore, drove 45miles to the Detroit Sketchy's and managed to make it back in time for drinks before the bar closed.

I still haven't lost any of the 5lbs that I gained in Mexico (I blame the champagne buffet - give me alcohol and I'm able to eat my own weight in muffins) but I've not gained anything either. Guess that means hitting the gym today.

I tried to sign up for Pilates yesterday but the woman behind the counter was having none of it. She wanted me to wait until Jan 2nd and so I will wait. Weird as I had the $650 they want from me in my pocket and ready to go.

Don't have much of a plan for today - will check out Arborweb later and of course there's a slew of Oscar contending movies (or puportedly Oscar contending) in the cinema at the moment. But first I must haul my ass over to the gym.

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