Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A time for breakfast

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
Velcro went to daycare today. Or rather I should say - she RAN to daycare. This is a good sign.

Yesterday had been her first day and she came home knackered, refused to move all night and was generally a joy.

Of course she'd earned her knackered status.

"Erm, she's very playful" quoth the harried dog watcher in what I think was a triumph of understatement.

But today she was up, ready and heading in a daycarewardly direction before I could say "Aye oop you, what's going on here?"

The good thing for me is that post drop off I headed for Egg - a local, sustainable, shared breakfast space that owns its own chickens and buys only local product.

Had the most amazing omlette. Ate tomatoes (I know) and generally chillled out. Breakfast in the sunshine (it's 22C here today) is a good thing. It's put me in quite the laid back mood. Which is cool.

The people above btw aren't naked (sorry it was a public place and they weren't for the convincing) but they are lovely people that I once worked with once upon a lifetime ago.

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