Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by kingjen.
Spent the day going back and forth with lawyers who seemed to be making things up as they went along. First Judith had top come with me to London, then she didn't, then she needed her own appointment, then she needed to share mine, then she needed a new passport, then she didn't, then I was a snarling, pissed-off dog of a man, then I wasn't.

It's been a horrible, horrible, horrible day and I promise to explain all next week when this is behind me and I have the freedom to talk about all that's going on.

Other than that things are good. We have heat and hot water again - though it's 16c outside even now (weird for November here); Jude should be landing as I write (she was in Calgary the past couple of days) and the world is generally a mild and mellow place - barring the madness of two women who seem intent on driving me to (more drink)

So nothing to really express other than my frustration and fervent hope that soon, very soon, all of this will be behind us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve

Congrats on lasting a year and a day; which you should remember from Felicity Riddy's Middle English lectures is a period of great mystical power. Hence why it appears so often in fabulae.

But you've only just realised lawyers are making it all up? Charlatans one and all say Mishmash!

