Sunday, October 15, 2006

Thank you very much... we are STILL the Pet Shop Boys

Originally uploaded by _Giulio.
Pet Shop Boys last night and they were much better than I'd expected. Neil's voice, which I always had assumed relied heavily on studio steroids, was actually really strong. The set was simple but innovative and the crowd pretty appreciative - to the point of bonkers on any song that was more than 15 years old.

The new song old song routine did have us up and down like a tart's knickers - as people 'danced like their dad' then caught second wind during the new stuff. But I really enjoyed it.

I'd have enjoyed it more if Jude and I weren't simultaneously at breaking point. She has two big interviews, a thesis, a paper and teaching to contend with. I have two huge presentations, pressure from two offices to give them my undivided attention and a potential life shift coming up. I think we've both felt this tense before, but never at the same time and we're feeding off the other's edginess.

Still nothing we can do other than put our heads down and grind through the next two months.

What a miserable entry.

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